Introduction to the basics of shore based fishing for ages 5 and above
All fishing equipment needed for the session is provided.. We try to teach the kids enough so they can take themselves fishing next time. (under supervision)
Most of the kids learn everything quite quickly, some of the younger ones (8 and under) may still need some help or even another session. Others will return to complete a more advanced program.
Incursion – we come to you!
Program runs for approx. 2hrs per 30 kids
Activities include
– Beach, marine & personal safety – Rod casting – Red Claw catching – Yabby pumping
At the Beach Program runs for a approx 4hrs
Activities include
– Bait gathering with a yabby pump, bait net or cast net (depending on location) – Rod casting – Fishing – Beach, marine & personal safety
Venues available from the Sunshine Coast to Coolangatta
You can see it in the eyes of kids that have caught the “Fishing Bug” on the day.
That’s an affliction that they will be stuck with for life.
Not a bad thing…
The children will tie their own hook using a Hook Eze which is a hook tying safety device. There is very little chance of the hook going in their finger while tying the knot.
For more information, please call us on 0403 713 820 or click here.