
Fishing Competitions

KIDS ONLY fishing competition

Download the Two Bent Rods app to enter

Fish anytime over the school holidays!
Kids can live anywhere in Qld to enter.

Fish anywhere legal from land, boat or tinnie. No offshore fishing!

Age groups:


12 species categories to suit all corners of Queensland.
Freshwater species
Saltwater species

Random nightly giveaways!

To win the species category:

The 2 longest from each target species will win the prize in each age group.

Entrants are encouraged to enter every fish, no matter the size as the information is passed onto researchers.

Download the app here:

Apple Store – https://apps.apple.com/au/app/two-bent-rods/id6479730761

Google Play Store – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.twobentrods.app

You will need to register the parent as well as each child.
Each person will need a unique email address (free from Gmail)

Purchase tickets for the Qld Kids Fishing Classic in the Two Bent Rods app.  

The comp is age restricted, which means the entrant is purchasing the ticket. (It won’t let the parent purchase the ticket as they are out of the age brackets required for this comp. If you try, you will receive an error). Go into the childs account and purchase this way.

See video tutorials and help here: https://www.2bentrods.com.au/two-bent-rods-app/

Join the Qld Kids Fishing Classic Facebook group. Everyone is very friendly and will help where they can. Share photos and cheer each others children on.

Event Terms and Conditions:

DOWNLOAD our competition booklet for all the information.







Flinders Festival Fishing CompJoin us for a 2 day Fishing Competition  at the Hughenden Recreational Lake

3-4 May 2025

This competition uses the Two Bent Rods App.  

You will need to register everyone individually in the app. 

Photos of fish caught are taken on a brag mat and then uploaded.



To download and view information about the app as well as see video tutorials, please go to our app page: 

Two Bent Rods App

Sponsor/partner opportunity

Fishing competitions can’t run without the support of sponsors and event partners. 

Whether you are able to donate cash, prizes, services or time, there is an opportunity for everyone to be involved.

Please read our sponsor/partner document to see the different levels of involvement and what you would receive for coming on board.


2023 Winner

  • Industry Leader of the year
  • Best Incursion before/after school activity
  • People's Choice - Best Activity for 5-12yr old

Best Children’s Service

2022 Winner
• Best Incursion/After School Activity
• Best Activity 5-12 yr olds
• Best Kids School Holiday Activity
Hall of Fame

2021 Winner
• Best Activity 5-12 yr old
• Best Kids Party Provider

High Commended
• Best Team Culture
• Best School Holiday Activity